Monday, November 23, 2009

Seven Hamsters, One Wheel: THE REVENGE

We put all of them in a smaller container while we cleaned their living area, and so they all attacked the wheel at once. Watch for the one we're treating for an eye infection! He looks a bit terrible, we know. We swab his eye with goop twice a day.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Seven Hamsters, One Wheel

When six baby hamsters and one mommy hamster fight for wheel supremacy, who wins?

Uh, the mom, mostly. She's twice their size.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby Hamsters v. Broccolis: The Revenge!!

They're sharin' broccolis! They're sharin' broccolis! They're sharin' brocco-lah-haaaa! THEY'RE SHARIN' BROCCOLAH! THEY'RE SHARIN' BROCCOLAH! They're sharin' UHN broccolaaaahhhh....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby Hamsters Share A Broccolis

Our hamster babies are finally old enough to wander out and about their living area themselves. Ham mommy doesn't like that very much, and will go drag them back to the nest, but ever so often we'll find them eating some food on their own. So tiny! Seriously, they're like a centimeter or two long. The video exaggerates their size. They could fit on a quarter.

Anyway, they're adorable. And there's five, we think. Five is the most we've seen all together at the same time, but there is a chance there's a sixth or more in there. But we've seen no evidence for that. They just spend most their time buried in fluff under their mom's butt, so it's not very easy to get a headcount of them.

I believe they're still blind at this point. Their eyes haven't quite opened. So they're just clawing about on the strength of their other senses. Not that adult hamster sight is incredibly great...

Monday, November 9, 2009